This Week In Japan, Top Prosecutor in Japan plans to retire after Mahjong gambling scandal is exposed, Demon Slayer continues to rise in popularity as the manga finishes up, Softbank Group's market value continues to plummet, grandma awarded Guinness World Record for the oldest video game creator on YouTube, and a concert is at “max capacity” with only 15% of seats filled. Word of the Week: Guts Pose (ガッツポーズ)

[Japanese Explanation]
This Week In Japanでは毎週、日本で話題になっているニュースについて、イギリス人アーティストのJulianと日本人起業家のYasuが英語で意見を交わしています。他にも日本文化や、面白い日本語のフレーズも紹介しています。

(Recorded on May 22th, 2020, in Akasaka, Tokyo)