019: Max Lucado - Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will starve.

Max Lucado's Book: Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear

Today's Awesome Resource:

She Reads Truth | Bible + Devotional App - This app allows women (and men) from around the world and all places in life to connect with God's Word and each other, anytime and anywhere. Whether your Truth time comes in the early morning before the world wakes, a 30-minute lunch break at your desk, or in the middle of the night with a newborn baby in your arms - the She Reads Truth app brings your quiet (or not so quiet!) time to YOU, right where you are.

Also available on Android!

Audible - The #1 place to get Audiobooks in the World. This is a service that I have used for years and I love it! With over 180,000 audiobooks to choose from, they have you covered. http://cqpodcast.com/book

Podcast Website: http://ChristianQuotesPodcast.com

Ryan's Blog: http://RyanMaher.net


Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ryan-maher-365/message