Guests: James Cumming MP for Edmonton Centre, Shadow Minister for Small Business and Export Promotion, Dr. David Zitner, retired family physician, was a professor and the founding director of the Graduate Program in Health Informatics at Dalhousie University, Wendy Schiller, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Brown University, Reni Barlow, Executive Director at Youth Science Canada, and Dave Yager, Energy policy analyst, oil & gas writer, and author of the book, From Miracle to Menace: Alberta, A Carbon Story

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Guests: James Cumming MP for Edmonton Centre, Shadow Minister for Small Business and Export Promotion, Dr. David Zitner, retired family physician, was a professor and the founding director of the Graduate Program in Health Informatics at Dalhousie University, Wendy Schiller, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Brown University, Reni Barlow, Executive Director at Youth Science Canada, and Dave Yager, Energy policy analyst, oil & gas writer, and author of the book, From Miracle to Menace: Alberta, A Carbon Story

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