On Episode 99 we interview Dr. Cathy Kuhn, a pharmacist who is using her passion for community pharmacy to serve as a strategy consultant for a health information technology company called Updox. Dr. Kuhn previously served as the President of Ohio Pharmacists Association, currently serves as president of the Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management and is on the Board of Trustees for APhA. We discuss her story, day to day, and her impact at Updox. Hope you enjoy!

Connect with Cathy:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathy-kuhn-370b1217/

Learn more about Updox:

Music by: Richard Waithe

Richard's book, The First Time Pharmacist, is now available on Amazon. Get it here: www.amazon.com/dp/1732381402

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Host: Dr. Richard Waithe

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