Previous Episode: S03E04 - Three Amigos (1986)
Next Episode: S03E06 - Taps (1981)

Charlie is all excited as we're looking at one of his favourite 'if it's on, I'm watching it' movies which is the political-landscape changing, 1985 film 'Rocky IV' starring Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Carl Weathers.

Warning, in advance - this is our longest podcast yet so may want to split it up into two sessions. The length is due to us inviting on Joe Hogarty, from Disney's Nerd Alert podcast and we love Joe so much that the conversation kept flowing and we lost track of the time (that's always a good thing). 

We talk about the KGB surviving in -30 degree Celsius weather with just a car heater for protection, how this film changed the world and Amanda's love of all things Stallone that (spoiler alert) the first other film she could think of his was 'Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot'..

..enjoy and Happy New Year to all our lovely listeners.

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