Allen Wyma talks with Chris Krycho, host of the now-ended New Rustacean podcast about learning the Rust programming language.

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[@1:08] - Chris’ background and introduction
[@4:33] - Chris’ current career and projects
[@12:17] - Rust and WebAssembly
[@19:35] - Chris’ podcasting plans
[@23:47] - Chris’ podcasting preparation and processes
[@36:02] - Lessons and insights coming from podcasting
[@48:08] - ZSH vs Fish
[@53:12] - Picking out potential podcast guests and making great interviews
[@57:12] - Chris’ opinion and comparison on the different programming languages
[@1:07:33] - Chris’ parting thoughts and future plans

Other Resources

Chris’s Twitter

Intro Theme: Aerocity

Audio Editing: Plangora

Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset

Show Notes: Plangora

Hosts: Allen Wyma

Twitter Mentions