On this episode of the Rural Revival podcast we’re with Matt and Brittany Tedder of Walsh, Colorado (pop. 546). Matt and Brittany are entrepreneurs at heart, with their hand in ag technologies, seed sales, a trucking business, a construction and design business, and a catering business where they even have their own barbecue sauce!

They’re talking about how they work together as a team and diversify themselves through different seasons, how they’re raising up their kids as entrepreneurs and teaching them to love to dream, and what it’s like to live in a very remote area and make it all work.

And do you remember Lettie McKinney from a few episodes back? Well, Matt is actually Lettie’s brother! And you’ll get to hear more about that in this interview.

Matt and Brittany are an amazing couple who bring so much to their community, and yet they are so humble about it. They don’t see it as something they have to do; it’s simply engrained in their life, and there’s something really special about that. 

Show notes:
Walsh, Colorado
Manter, Kansas
Stonington, Colorado
Dave Ramsey
Channel Seed
Rural Roots LLC
Facebook: /tedderag
Website: tedder-ag.tech
Facebook: Stonington Community Center