Welcome to your weekly dose of running motivation.

Today’s guest is Chris Hollinshead - a successful senior and masters runner, a running coach at Castle Coaching Fitness, a tutor for UK Athletics, AND he’s part of the Paralympic athlete talent identification programme. 

Chris hasn’t raced since 2019 (something many of us can relate to given the pandemic) and as much as he is eager to get back, he also wants to apply caution, and he wants other runners to do the same. Now race are slowing beginning to appear again it can be very tempting to sign up for everything and then overtrain and burn out. 

Think about what you are trying to achieve, and work backwards from there. Drop in races as 'stepping stones’ to see where you are by all means, but avoid asking too much from the body.  

Not all races need to be raced. They can be used in different ways. You could use a ’stepping stone’ race to work on different aspects of your running - technique, pacing, mental strategies, race prep etc. 

It is important to think about the physiological and psychological elements that are necessary to return to the race shape that you were once in, prior to lockdown.  


#AskJake:  Each week, we'll take one of your questions and Jake will answer it.   Today, we're talking about protein.


See the full show notes & resources here: http://runningwithjake.com/plodcast