Welcome to your weekly dose of running motivation.

Today’s guest is ultra running adventurer Scott Jenkins and he has a HUGE ’self-made’ challenge on his hands! In 2021 Scott is attempting to complete FIVE of the world’s most challenging ultra distance events: Cocodona 250 / Badwater 135 / Bigfoot 200 / Tahoe 200 / Moab 240 

What makes this challenge even greater is the fact that they are all continuous races, rather than multi-day events. Scott's main driver behind this insane challenge is raising money for Operation Smile UK. 

#AskJake:  Each week, we'll take one of your questions and Jake will answer it.  Today, Janice is coming to the end of RED January (Run Every Day throughout January) and she wants some advice for staying motivated through to the end.


See the full show notes & resources here: http://runningwithjake.com/plodcast