Welcome to your weekly dose of running my motivation

Today’s guest is Andy Dobinson. In February 2017, after a successful background in the world of cycling, competing in several 24hr challenges, Andy suffered a cryptogenic stroke.  After a brutal and extensive recovery process he is back on his feet and has plenty of running medals to prove it!  

He talks openly about his stroke, and the impact it had on his mind as well as his body. It has changed him in many ways, and for the better. He admits that he was obsessed with training (something not so easy to admit at the time) but since the stroke he is taking a much more rounded approach to his training, focusing on key elements such as nutrition, sleep, and rest. 


#AskJake:  Each week, we'll take one of your questions and Jake will answer it.  Today, Mike wants to know how best to juggle your training around a sports massage.


See the full show notes & resources here: http://runningwithjake.com/plodcast