Hello lovers! Meet my dear friend IRL Devon. He did me the honour of spending an hour on the record talking about all things non-monogamy and political science. You folx are in for a treat! Listen in on how one might go from being a serial monogamist, to currently finding oneself in a polyamorous constellation! This is a joyful episode about alternatives to monogamy, the sometimes awkwardness of play and the magic of pleasure. I hope you'll like listening to it as much as I enjoyed taking part in it. 

Topics: shibari rope bondage, bisexuality, learning how to communicate about sex and relationships, touch & sensualism, breathwork, relationship anarchy & polyamory, words vs. labels, oversharing vs. vulnerability, therapy, falling in love with two different people simultaneously, the work that takes, the connection to your body (from sports-induced endorphins to psychedelic effects), the lasting taboo around what pleasure can look like for men (ejaculation vs. orgasm), AND MORE!

And because I'm a sucker for lessons out of PoliSci100, here's the takeaway: "Models are useful for making sense of the world that we're in, but be weary of defining the world by the model."

Here's the article referenced halfway through the episode: Thirteen things I wish I’d learned before choosing non-monogamy, by Lola Phoenix (on Medium).

Thanks so much for listening my darlings.  I love you. C, xo.


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