Welcome to the much-anticipated follow-up episode to Joanne and Julia's Expressions of Self series on life after trauma. The women held three consecutive storytelling events, each one month apart, on the topics of Survival, Resilience, and Healing after trauma. They came over to my couch to discuss how it went, what they learned and what surprised them. Their aim was to gear the conversation towards the HOW, and not the who, what,  and why's of survival. Listen to this hilarious and empowering episode, led by your fave trio!  

For an intro to the girls, refer to episodes: 31 with Joanne, 39 with Julia, and 58! 

Topics: trauma, forgiveness, storytelling, thinking out loud with others, somatic exercises, resilience as a constant, healing as a non-linear concept, learning and connection from personal experiences, counseling, the pitfalls of certain post-traumatic services, imposter syndrome as a survivor, setting and expressing boundaries, battling negative self-talk, knowledge building, empathy, setting standards on treating each other with dignity and respect - and not doing it alone!! 

The common thread of these conversations was simple, and worth repeating: we need to practice showing the forgiveness and kindness that we show others, to ourselves.  

For more on Expressions of Self, go to expressionsofself.com or on Facebook. For more on So I Had An Abortion, go to the website, IG @soihadanabortion and twitter @soihadanabort

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Tell me what you wanna hear my lovers. I'm happy to keep using this podcast as my personal platform for free education, but I'm happy to shift my attention to any potential blind spots! ;) 

I love you all. Thanks for coming to play. 

C. xox 


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