Oh boy. You're in for a fun, wordy, all over the place one with gorgeously talented Kristina. Musician, Actress, Poet, Kristina does it all. Listen in for a bit about her life journey, but mostly zoom in on the Words with us.

We discuss a song she wrote called "Rows" as an introduction to individual artistry versus collective activism. How do we talk about what is, before leaping into what is to be done? What role does art, writing and music have to play in today's society? How do we realize our self-efficacy and freedom of choice, without taking the power of opinion for granted? Where and when do we develop emotional intelligence? Who's talking to you: your gut, your heart or your mind?

Big questions... almost no answers. As per usual. Come and have a think with us.

Around 20', there's a big moment of learning, where we get words wrong entirely and find our way around messing up! MISTAKES ARE PART OF LIFE. Please don't be afraid to try and have deep and tough conversations, because that's what this exploration is for, evolving together.

For more about Kristina, visit www.kristinalao.com or @mykristinalao on Twitter and Instagram.


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