Hi everyone! Meet Andreia! She is a Marriage and Family Therapy Candidate, based in Denver, Colorado. Andreia joyfully walks me through her Brazilian upbringing, including her progressive Catholic high school, and her journey into American society. We meander through the little life things that end up shaping lives and get us to a point of embracing our true selves. Join us for this lovely introspection - the stuff you wish you knew about your therapist. 

Topics: coming out of one's sheltered childhood, the endless international student life, being nerds, immigrant obstacles, the struggles of corporate life, mental health, anxiety, tools for BIG life changes, relationships and therapy, being true to oneself, facing insecurities, asking "Why Now?",  how COVID has affected couples and families, survival mode and sex drives, redefining joy, grief and lessons, and the state of the world.  Thanks Casey Murphy for the intro! Check her out in ep 37 for more about her businesses! Reference: Esther Perel at estherperel.com.

For more on Andie, go visit her IG @andies.therapy.couch! Thanks for listening. speak to you all next week. Do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to come speak on the podcast, priority will be given to BIPOC, Trans and Sex Workers' voices. All my love, C.


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