John Debs goes over building a video platform with Django to help get you stronger and more flexible. It's hosted on DigitalOcean.

In this episode of Running in Production, John Debs talks about building
a video platform with Django that helps you get stronger and be more flexible.
It’s hosted on a single $5 / month DigitalOcean server and has been up and
running since fall 2019.

John really drives home the value in shipping something simple on the first pass
and iterating on it if there ends up being demand for it.

Topics Include

2:36 – It started part time but now it’s full time
4:28 – Motivation for using Python and Django mainly came down to confidence
8:05 – It’s pretty close to a monolith with a few Django apps
11:42 – Reasons for using a custom video player (looping, mirroring, etc.)
14:18 – Videos are uploaded directly to S3 with pre-signed URLs and no transcoding (yet)
19:51 – Using the Django RQ library for doing asynchronous work
21:36 – Having fun using React to write the custom video player
26:35 – Creating a first pass chat feature so students can ask questions
28:41 – Using Vagrant in development, with Ansible on a single $5 / mo DigitalOcean server
37:27 – For a web server they’re using gunicorn, nginx and Let’s Encrypt for SSL
41:27 – Using Stripe to handle payments has been a nice dev experience so far
49:16 – Using Mailgun for transactional emails and Mailchimp for email campaigns
53:59 – Mixing in jQuery as needed has been a pleasure to use, along with Webpack
55:54 – The deployment process from development to production
1:03:40 – S3 is trusted for video backups and database backups are done on every deploy
1:07:35 – Best tips? Keep learning but pick things you’re familiar with
1:10:02 – Check out their platform at and they are on Instagram too


📄 References

⚙️ Tech Stack

django →

python →

react →

ansible →

digitalocean →

jquery →

lets-encrypt →

mailchimp →

mailgun →

nginx →

postgres →

redis →

s3 →

sentry →

stripe →

ubuntu →

webpack →

🛠 Libraries Used

Support the Show

This episode does not have a sponsor and this podcast is a labor of love. If
you want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my
courses or suggest one to a friend.

Dive into Docker is a video course that takes you from not knowing what Docker is
to being able to confidently use Docker and Docker Compose for your own apps.
Long gone are the days of "but it works on my machine!". A bunch of follow
along labs are included.

Build a SAAS App with Flask is a video course where we build a real
world SAAS app that accepts payments, has a custom admin, includes high test
coverage and goes over how to implement and apply 50+ common web app features.
There's over 20+ hours of video.