Lane Wagner walks us through building and deploying an Electron app that has a Serverless component written in Golang. It's all on AWS.

In this episode of Running in Production, Lane Wagner goes over how he
built Qvault which is an open source password
manager that specializes in cryptocurrency. It’s built with Electron and has
a Serverless component that uses Golang. It’s all hosted on AWS.

If you were ever wondering how Serverless works in the context of building a
native or web application this episode has you covered. Lane talks about how a
bunch of different AWS services all come together to make it work. We also talk
about a Serverless framework called Serverless!

Topics Include

1:03 – Qvault is an Electron based password manager with a focus on cryptocurrency
2:16 – The focus has been a secure desktop app but a browser extension is coming soon
2:45 – Creating a secure browser extension without sharing your master key
3:12 – It’s an open source app, so if you’re skeptical you can compile it yourself
3:46 – Motivation for using Golang for the Serverless component
5:00 – For personal projects learning something new (Serverless) is worthwhile
5:48 – The TL;DR on what Serverless is and how it works
6:49 – AWS API Gateway helps map Serverless functions to HTTP requests
7:05 – Instead of 1 app with many routes, you have many individual functions
7:50 – A Serverless framework called Serverless helps tie everything together
8:33 – Tying in a Serverless function to a specific URL endpoint
9:25 – Calling these URL endpoints from the Electron app is like any other REST API
10:40 – What’s being executed within these Serverless functions?
11:12 – When it comes to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, it’s all about privacy and security
12:13 – Passwords are encrypted client side in the Electron app
13:17 – Encrypted vault file gets saved client side and it’s optionally saved server side too
14:01 – This data is stored inside of PostgreSQL using RDS within AWS
14:20 – Electron app -> API endpoint -> Serverless function -> data gets written to Postgres
14:49 – Using a managed database vs managing your own database
15:28 – The developer / development experience for writing Serverless functions
17:41 – When hacking on a new Serverless function, it just gets pushed to production
18:37 – The 2 biggest Serverless wins are function isolation and scaling auto-magically
18:56 – Serverless scales to the size of your wallet
19:21 – But it also costs nothing if no one is using it
20:02 – The turn around time for AWS to spin up an environment to run a Serverless function
20:35 – Function warming helps keep spin up times to milliseconds
21:44 – There are tricks to keep your functions warm to avoid a multi-second spin up time
22:21 – For Qvault’s API, response times were never a problem partly due to using Golang
22:53 – The Electron app is written in JavaScript using Vue
23:28 – Electron is basically a browser bundled with a specific JavaScript app
23:56 – Electron apps can be pretty bloated but it’s super convenient to develop with
24:45 – On Arch someone made a package that tries to use what you have installed already
25:43 – A recap of which AWS services are being used
26:02 – Using Route 53 on AWS for DNS hosting saves a lot of headaches
27:15 – Wait, how is CloudFront (Amazon’s CDN) being used on the back-end?
28:24 – It’s not, but CloudFormation is (it’s so easy to mix up AWS service names!)
28:33 – The TL;DR on what CloudFormation is, how it’s being used and why it’s useful
29:29 – Serverless framework converts platform agnostic configs into platform specific configs
30:03 – CloudFormation is especially handy for Serverless due to the number of endpoints
30:44 – Every Serverless endpoint is being served over HTTPS with Amazon’s ACM SSL certs
31:31 – There are no external software as a service dependencies besides what’s on AWS
32:04 – For logging, error reporting and metrics it’s all AWS services
32:36 – Getting logs from a Serverless function involves using CloudWatch and S3
32:53 – One nice thing about Serverless is there’s no long running state
33:45 – Strategies for dealing with database migrations with a Serverless set up
34:53 – Dealing with long running migrations that surpass AWS Lambda’s 15 minute timeout
36:41 – Lane is a big fan of CI / CD and the master branch always matching production
37:13 – A CI pipeline is being used for the Electron app with Travis CI
37:28 – The Electron app has an auto-update function to check for updates on demand
38:09 – The Serverless side of things doesn’t change much and there is no CI pipeline
38:42 – The turn around time is nearly instant for a new function version to take effect
39:59 – The Serverless framework sets environment variables for secret / sensitive values
41:01 – The work flow for changing a sensitive value to an existing Serverless function
43:18 – Dealing with disasters and malicious users
44:00 – Qvault hashes passwords before it’s sent to the server
45:50 – Running all of this on AWS costs in between $20 and $30 / month
46:36 – On AWS it’s easy to upgrade to a larger instance size but it’s hard to downgrade
46:42 – The RDS instance is running on a t2.micro since the DB is very simple
47:34 – Most of the app’s complexity is client side in the Electron app
48:10 – There’s 53k+ lines of code but that includes the node_modules/ directory
48:37 – The app itself has about 3-5k lines of code across ~40 files
49:01 – The complexity being on the front-end is necessary due to security requirements
49:32 – Lessons learned? Serverless couples your app logic to your provider, it’s not great
50:48 – There’s a lot of DevOps complexity where you trade 1 ops problem for another
51:25 – But Serverless is likely easier to set up than an entire Kubernetes cluster
51:39 – That being said, Serverless is very cost effective for low traffic APIs
52:12 – Lane would likely choose Serverless again for his specific use case
52:29 – Another nice thing about Serverless is not having to worry about scaling up
53:08 – Should you use Serverless for a traditional web application?
53:46 – It really depends on what you care about, such as cost vs development speed
54:16 – Serverless can get really expensive at larger scale (more so than regular hosting)
55:39 – You can find Lane on Twitter at @wagslane and his app can be found at


📄 References

⚙️ Tech Stack

golang →

electron →

acm →

aws →

cloudformation →

cloudfront →

cloudwatch →

open-source →

postgres →

rds →

route53 →

s3 →

serverless →

travis-ci →

vue →

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