Henry Popp goes over building a service with Phoenix and Elixir. It's deployed on GCP with a self managed Kubernetes cluster.

In this episode of Running in Production, Henry Popp goes over building
a platform to help explore your personal network
which was built using Phoenix and Elixir. It’s hosted on Google Cloud using a
self managed Kubernetes cluster. It’s been up and running since September 2019.

Henry went into great detail about the value of using a service oriented
architecture, DDD, event driven design and running a self managed Kubernetes
cluster. There’s a lot of great insights in this episode around general code
design and scaling that apply to any web framework.

Topics Include

2:11 – 4 developers are actively working on the project
2:50 – It’s been running in production since September 2019
3:13 – Motivation for using Phoenix and Elixir
4:26 – Henry started using Elixir back in late 2014
5:48 – Ditching Umbrella apps for dedicated services
7:35 – 6DOS is built on 6 independent git repos with a service oriented architecture
8:20 – A break down of what those 6 repos are and what they do
10:37 – Each service has its own independent database (Postgres, Neo4j, Elasticsearch)
11:21 – Neo4j is a graph database which is a great fit for their main data model
12:55 – How is Elixir support for Neo4j?
13:46 – Each service talks to each other through RabbitMQ events / notifications
15:43 – Walking through the request / response cycle when a visitor hits the site
17:04 – How did you arrive at this service oriented architecture?
18:33 – It’s easy to get Domain-driven Design (DDD) wrong initially
19:42 – Are Phoenix contexts being used? Nope
20:20 – Monoliths vs micro-services vs something in between and industry trends
20:56 – “Instantaneous complexity”
21:39 – Using an app skeleton project to help spin up new services quickly
23:23 – Using VueJS on the front-end with Webpack, but not through Phoenix
24:43 – Currently 6DOS doesn’t need websockets but that could change later
26:47 – Quite a lot of work happens in the background
27:37 – RabbitMQ handles queueing up all of the jobs
29:10 – Docker is being used in production, but not in development (yet)
29:38 – The work flow for starting everything up locally in development
30:52 – Everything is hosted on a self managed Kubernetes cluster on GCP
31:19 – (3) 2 core master nodes, (3) 2 core worker nodes and extra servers for the databases
32:24 – The self managed Kubernetes cluster was terrifying to set up initially
34:00 – Kubernetes is not a magic button you press to scale your application
35:15 – Auto-recovering from a CrashLoopBackOff error with Kubernetes
37:45 – Those 2 CPU core servers have 8 GB of RAM but the app isn’t using all of that
38:47 – Handling an interesting auto-scaling problem with Kubernetes
40:20 – Performing rolling restarts so there’s no down time for each deploy
40:41 – Dealing with restarting containers while an important action is happening
43:23 – Walking through the deploy process from development to production
43:34 – It starts with a self hosted Gitlab instance with automated CI
44:15 – On the other side, Keel takes over to automate deploying any services
45:12 – Helm is being used for a few things, but not everything
46:17 – Humans needing to accept the release happens within Keel’s UI
47:51 – Secrets are stored directly in the self hosted config repo with strict access rights
49:09 – Balancing your time between low level infrastructure vs app features
49:58 – Handling SSL certificates on the cluster with cert-manager
51:06 – Everything is behind a Cloudflare proxy too
51:20 – Dealing with database migrations when you have automated deployments
52:40 – Migrations get run as part of the app boot up process
54:24 – Design your software like a space ship
55:16 – Diagnosing errors with custom tasks and 3rd party tools
56:23 – No one can agree on how to format API JSON errors
57:32 – Elixir best practices are still being discovered, the future is bright
58:19 – An example of one of Henry’s open source Elixir tools (Pigeon) taking off
59:14 – All of the databases get backed up hourly
1:00:26 – Kubernetes really needs to be configured
1:01:16 – Rate limiting is currently being added to all of the services
1:03:07 – What about alerts if something goes down? It’s a digital notification bomb
1:03:36 – Using UptimeRobot as a second sanity check to make sure things are up
1:04:12 – Hung over at 6am out in the middle of the woods and your server goes down
1:04:55 – Using an external tool like UptimeRobot is worth it
1:06:16 – Timber.io is being used for logging but that will change soon
1:07:00 – Kubernetes’ Stern package helps with tailing logs across pods
1:07:44 – Henry isn’t a fan of Kubernetes’ web UI tools to manage the cluster
1:07:54 – Weave Scope was interesting but it used too much resources to run it
1:08:41 – Best tips? Don’t be afraid to break your code up into multiple repos
1:09:45 – If you’re not at that point yet, at least look into using contexts and DDD
1:10:24 – Developers as a whole are getting better over time
1:11:56 – Codedge is Henry’s consulting company and they are on GitHub / Twitter too


📄 References


⚙️ Tech Stack

phoenix →

elixir →

vue →

cloudflare →

docker →

elasticsearch →

gcp →

gitlab-ci →

grafana →

kubernetes →

neo4j →

postgres →

prometheus →

rabbitmq →

sentry →

stripe →

timber →

uptime-robot →

webpack →

🛠 Libraries Used


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