Previous Episode: RAF326: Hiatus

I've been letting my current injuries stop me, and I'm running out of excuses. Today the temperature is 79, and we have probably a little more much-needed rain to go today, but we've been in a heat wave, so for personal health and safety reasons, I couldn't go outside and walk. But I have been walking more as I spend more and more days in the office and not the home office and I get my own groceries, and go to church. My calf is weak but there is virtually no pain that I'm experiencing right now.

The physical therapist says no more than a 1/2 mile. No problem there, that's usually how I start back when I've been out for an injury. Today I've let the rain discourage me, but as long-time listeners will know, I walk in all kinds of weather, as long as there isn't lightning or something truly dangerous.

The other thing about episode 86, from which today's excerpts come, is activity and beauty. That bachelor party was cool because I was hanging out with friends, some new, some old, and being active, and being out in nature where we could enjoy some beauty. Some bachelor parties seek other kinds of beauty, but we chose nature. We spend time on the Yellow Rock trail, the setting for several episodes over the years, and at Lake Fayetteville, also a popular site for podcast episodes. Lately, I've been doing what I usually do when I'm not purposefully getting out in nature. When I'm filling my vehicle up with gas I stare up at the clouds. Also when I'm waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store. So I get glimpses here and there. I need more and I'll eventually get it. There is no physical barrier to that now. No more excuses!