Today I take a peaceful relatively short walk at a new part of Lake Atalanta, peaceful Pleasant Ridge, which is more of a walk through the woods than a walk around the lake like the other loop I have taken in previous trips here.

As I walk this lovely trail I reflect on my "old new strategy". This refers back to episode 70's "new strategy". At that time I was transitioning from a program of mostly walking to one of mostly strength training, with some evening cardio built in. My walks had lengthened to at a full five-point-screw-five miles, and I started only walking once every week or two. Meanwhile I would lift weights every weekday. That worked well for what I needed at the time. I built a lot of muscle in my first year of serious weight-lifting. But I was walking twelve miles a week at my slow pace.

Weight 7-day Avg. (change since Jan 2018): 216 (-59)
Total Distance (total since Nov 2017): 4.86 Miles (580.88)
Steps: 12,318
Muscle Mass 7-day Avg. (change since Aug 2018): 147.99 (+5)
Body Fat 7-day Avg.: 31%
Daily Sleep Duration 7-day Avg: 8 hours
2019 Goal: 15% Body Fat