The value of time is infinity per hour!

Yesterday we had a power outtage at my company. I was called in to make sure our IT equipment was running the way it is supposed to. And it was, thanks to the fact that the company has twice the IT equipment it needs to do all the things it does. Half of the equipment is for situations exactly like the one that happened yesterday. I calculated that the company earns approximately a million dollars per hour. Which means any down time is very expensive. Companies value time in dollars.

So how should we value our own time? We sell it to our employers, whether we get paid directly per hour or not. We spend time working and get paid in return. I used to decide whether to hire someone to do something vs. doing it myself by looking at how much I get paid compared with how much it costed to pay someone else to do it. I would consider the fact that I might not have the skill to do the task without doing research and that it would take longer for me to do it. But that's not an accurate valuation.

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