The sport needs more passionate fans like Paul Leak. The former New York Road Runners assistant events manager and current Strava marketing associate joins the podcast after a brief trip by Chris to the West Coast. Co-Host Emeritus Jeanne Mack also returns for the special episode.

Paul is originally from North Carolina but spent much of the past decade in New York City getting people active within the community. In his role with NYRR, he would travel to all different parts of the city to try and help popularize running. He also was one of the co-founders of the November Project chapter in New York City. A November Project blog post on Paul described him as "the adventurer, the wild spirit, and the dreamer.” If you've seen Paul cheering on the sidelines of a race, you'd know this is all true. Even though he moved to San Francisco for his role with Strava, his presence is still felt in New York and he makes trips often. Once a Runner of NYC, always a Runner of NYC.

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❤️ Please consider supporting our work. We want to continue pushing out the podcast on a bi-weekly basis and bring you quality audio for our guests. we're simply asking for you to set aside a few dollars that might go toward a coffee or dollar slice to support our work. In return, we'll do our best to put together exclusive episodes, interviews and maybe some video for those supporters. The NYC running community is awesome and we'd appreciate the assistance.

^ You'll have first dibs on a spot to our live show and photo exhibit on Aug. 1 with photographer Zach Hetrick.
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