#002: Katie Camus is now raising four kids on her own after her husband Jake passed away earlier this year. Her late husband was an ultrarunner and, as she puts it, he lived to run. Katie began running after her husband’s death to try and learn what he loved about the sport. She is also using her journey of becoming a runner and emerging from grief to spread light and positivity. Be sure to have some tissues nearby because this episode brings all the feels!

Episode Highlights:

Katie shares her and her husband's relationship story. She also shares details on who Jake was and what led to his passing earlier this year. Jake was an ultrarunner and as Katie puts it, he lived life to the fullest. She didn't understand what he loved so much about running but has taken up the sport after his death.Katie discusses what spurred her to begin running and what running has brought her through this season of grief in her life. Before her husband's passing, Katie said that she had never fully lived her life with purpose. Her main focus now is on getting the most out of life, living with purpose and choosing to focus on the positives of each day rather than the negatives. She's teaching her children to do the same. Life is short and no one knows how much time they have left. Katie encourages other moms to also focus on getting the most out of this life. Take the trip. Go on that long run. Don't wait to pursue your goals. 

Connect with Katie:

Instagram: @runwidowrunFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/katie.besse.9 

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