When it comes to running, some days are great, some are mediocre, and some are, well, horrendous.

The same is true for runners of all skill level, and this volatility is not only what makes running one of the most mentally challenging sports out there but also one of the most rewarding.

If you know how to leap the mental barriers.

That’s why in this episode we’re speaking with runner, counselor, and sports psychology consultant Adrienne Langelier. 

A Woodlands, TX native, Adrienne combines her own athletic experience with a background in applied sports psychology to help runners hurdle the mental roadblocks so common in running.

Listen in as Adrienne shares her advice on how to strengthen your mind and overcome the mental blocks that might be holding you back.

Questions Adrienne is asked:

2:02 How did you first get into running and how did you decide to become a sports psychology consultant?


10:05 What do runners of all skill levels have in common when it comes to mental barriers?


13:57 How would advise runners set short, intermediate and long-term goals for themselves?


18:19 What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and what do they mean in terms of running?


19:51 How can extrinsically motivated runners stay driven once they achieve goals such as weight loss or set a PR?


22:37 How would you advise someone who is having negative thoughts going into a big race?


29:37 Do you use visualization with your clients and, if so, how?


32:33 How would you advise a runner who is experiencing difficulties or setbacks within a race?


36:28 How can runners not get swept up in a comparison trap to other runners?


43:03 How can runner’s improve their mental capacity?


Quotes by Adrienne:

“Yes we have limits - whether that’s genetics, environment, whatever it is - but a lot of runners tend to impose greater limits than that actually already exist.”

“One of the biggest obstacles that I see runners fall into is rigid goals.”

“Pick something that scares you, but it’s scary to where you want to run towards it. You want it to be challenging but not threatening to you.”

“Negative thinking has been shown in studies to increase muscle tension, which in turn affects our breathing negatively and affects our blood flow....If our body’s tight, our mind’s tight.”

“If there’s something like inputs in the environment or there are triggers that are driving the negative thinking, do your best to eliminate them if you have control over them.”


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Mentioned in this podcast:

Adrienne's Psychology Today Profile

Adrienne's Blog

Follow Adrienne on Twitter

Interview with Nick Symmonds

Book - A Life Without Limits: A World Champion's Journey by Chrissie Wellington


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