Our guest this week is an incredible guitar player, amazing singer song-writer, and the best audio editor you could ask for, and I’m not just saying all that because he’ll be reading this while he edits the show. :)


If you haven’t already guessed, this week’s guest is none other than Run to the Top editor, Jeremy Noessel.


In addition to playing in 3 bands in the Rhode Island / Connecticut / Massachusetts area and working on several podcasts, Jeremy and his wife, Louise, are also writing an e-book for guitarists and musicians, will be soon launching a blog, and also planning his own podcast.


I’ve been wanting to have Jeremy on the show for some time now because his story is seriously one of a kind.


Jeremy started editing the podcast back when Tina Muir was hosting the show, and since then he’s not only helped us take the show to a whole new level, but the podcast has inspired him to start running again after about a 25-year hiatus.


Jeremy’s skill and incredible attention to detail is a large part of the reason Run to the Top is where it is today as Jeremy has not only improved the show’s audio quality tenfold, but, through constant guidance and constructive feedback, he’s also helped me become a better, more confident podcaster.


He is a true pleasure to work with, and I’m so excited to have him on the show today to share a little behind-the-scenes look at what goes into making Run to the Top, how the show inspired him to pick up running again, and the lessons he’s gained from editing both Run To The Top and our daily podcast, Extra Kick.


Questions Jeremy is asked: 4:43 What do you do with Run to the Top, when and how did you start?

6:25 What’s your favorite part about editing Run to the Top?

9:33 How did editing the podcasts lead to your return to running?

17:57 How did your first race go and how did you feel afterwards?

22:12 What are some of the mistakes you might have made if you started running without the podcasts?

26:30 Do you have any desire for future races, maybe the marathon?

30:19 How has the Run/Walk method helped you get back into running?

34:58 What other Run to the Top episodes you’ve worked on that have resonated with you and helped you?

38:29 What stood out to you in the Kelly Roberts interview?

41:43 How do you balance running with all of your bands and audio work?

43:20 How long does each podcast take you to edit and what’s involved?

48:40 Did you struggle at all when you first started running to juggle everything?

50:54 Where can listeners check out some of your videos, songs and available services?

52:54 Is making music what you enjoy the most?

53:18 Where do your bands play?


Quotes by Jeremy:

“I’ve had the benefit of having all of this information that I’ve gotten from the podcasts to avoid some of the common beginners’ pitfalls.”

“On the starting line I kept repeating to myself: 1. Have fun, 2. Don’t get hurt, 3. Start slow.”

“There was a point in time where I didn’t think I would ever NOT Run/Walk.”

“I have had really no formal instruction AT ALL; no formal coaching, so take anything I say with a grain of salt.”

“Running can’t be your everything. And really, nothing should be your everything.”


Mentioned in this podcast:

Run to the Top Interview with Jeff Galloway

Book: Getting Started - Jeff Galloway

Jeff Galloway Easy 5k App

Mews Tavern Gear N Beer - 2017

2018 Blessing of the Fleet 10-mile road race

Run to the Top Interview with Danny Dreyer

Run to the Top Interview with Kelly Roberts

The Running For Real Podcast with Tina Muir

Follow Jeremy's running journals on Strava

Jeremy's bands and upcoming events

Jeremy Noessel Music & Audio homepage

Jeremy's Music and Audio Facebook page

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