Have you ever trained hard for a race, paid the entry and travel fees, only to have a bad experience because the race wasn’t what you expected?

Enter BibRave.

Tim Murphy and his wife Jessica are both avid runners who founded BibRave back in 2011 with the desire to separate the good races from the bad so runners wouldn’t have to take chances.

BibRave is an online running community that allows runners to research, recommend, and leave feedback on races.

This of course makes the website important to not only runners but to race coordinators and directors as well, and that’s why Tim and Jessica also help races improve and better promote themselves.

Whether you’re trying to figure out where to race next or maybe you’re thinking of conducting an event of your own, this episode’s for you.

And if you’re in the US (or you’ve raced in the US), be sure to nominate your favorite race for the BibRave 100 - a definitive list of the best races in America. Voting ends August 20, 2017.


Questions Tim is asked:

3:11 How did you first get into running?

5:45 How did you like Chicago as your first marathon?

6:39 What led you and Jessica to start the company back in 2011 and what was your mission?

9:42 What does your day-to-day work look like at BibRave?

12:51 When will the BibRave 100 results be published?

14:59 How does the BibRave community function - can runners simply leave reviews and tell other runners a little about their own race day experience?

17:00 What are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve seen people make when organizing an event?

19:28 What are some social media trends and how can people in the running industry take advantage of these trends?

22:07 What does BibRave offer for smaller events with limited resources?

25:57 Is a new brand featured on each BibChat?

27:02 Can you share any tips you have on how people can use social media to build themselves a brand?

31:22 How can race directors start educating themselves about social media and engagement with runners?

35:00 What tips do you have for how people can choose an event that is conducive to their goals?

37:25 What’s next for you and BibRave?


Quotes by Tim:

“The mission was to create a better place to learn about races, to further enable runners to talk to one another about what races are doing well and to create a more informed running community.”

“We have some power users that it’s just incredible how many races people do on a monthly and even sometimes on a weekly basis, and then are super diligent about contributing those reviews to help other runners decide what races to run.”

“I’m really sympathetic to the things races can and can’t control.”

“It’s so important for races to be overly communicative with their runners. It’s almost as important as where the cones go and where everybody lines up.”

“I always like to start when I’m talking with event directors or event producers by distinguishing the difference between digital marketing and social media, or social media marketing and social media engagement.”

“In any brand exercise, the most important thing is clarity of vision and mission. So knowing who you want to be and what you want to be right from the get-go.”

“If you’re a race director and you have really enthusiastic people who are signing up for your race every year, talk to them.”

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Mentioned in this podcast:

BibRave Website

The BibRave 100 Nomination Form - Vote Thru August 20, 2017

BibRave Pros

BibRave for Races

BibRave for Brands

The BibRave Podcast

BibChat on Twitter

Follow Tim on Twitter

Follow BibRave on Twitter


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