Instagram is a place where people often share their selfies or show off their lives, but Sina Siadat found something more on Instagram . . . an opportunity to market luxury real estate.

However, it took some convincing. Seven years ago, realtors preferred to have their pictures on bus benches or put ads in newspapers. Social media wasn’t considered a marketing tool.

“What we were doing was pretty groundbreaking back then. A lot of times, people would just be posting inspirational things, but they never thought to take the due diligence to actually go and research who’s marketing the property, where it is, how much it is, and include that in the caption,” Sidaat shared.

He made a lot of calls and sent a lot of emails until he convinced a few agents to get involved. 

As soon as the agents saw that it was bringing in money, the business took off. 

Saadat is, of course, talking about Luxury Listings, which has sold over $250 million worth of property through Instagram. The account has over 2.3 million followers (and counting) and its posts have a monthly viewing of around 50 million. 

The young entrepreneur said that part of his and Luxury Listings’ success is the drive to always innovate. 

For even younger entrepreneurs, Saadat’s advice is to continue to be forward-thinking. Maybe Instagram is already saturated, but there is always a new platform out there. He singled out Clubhouse as a platform where people could find an opportunity.

Saadat, too, is not standing still. The next step for the company is to venture into virtual reality. He wants to be the first to take advantage of that technology in the real estate industry. 

“You can build your own opportunity… It’s free. It’s the sweat off your back that really matters,” said Saadat. 

The RUN GPG podcast was lucky enough to have Saadat as a guest recently. Guess what? It was Saadat’s first time to ever appear on a podcast.


These were some of the topics covered in the podcast:

Who is Sina Saadat? About Luxury Listings. When Luxury Listings really took off.  The content they make. How to grow social media following. Introducing lifestyle rather than just the property. Branding vs selling: Branding is what sells when you’re not in the room. Monetizing your brand on social media. About Clubhouse. The opportunity with Clubhouse.  Bringing virtual reality to the real estate industry. Sina Saadat’s daily routine. Why Sina Saadat wants to have dinner with Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk. Luxury means the ability to do what you want, when you want to.  “Shut It Down.”


Saadat is at the top of his game, but he’s only 28. There’s more to do. He wants to eventually shift the company from a social media platform to a tech platform. 


He also wants to give back and inspire the younger generation. 


Contact Sina Sadaat

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