Reflections From The Red Room-Born out of time and out of season

We practiced the making of the Old Fashioned. We talked out our feelings on the era in which we were born. Kyle has an old soul, and Natalie wished she could get a new Type O Negative album, and Justin has found balance between nostalgia and modern media joys.

We hit the DC/Marvel thing, and question the validity of reviews and get to wonder where the line is between having a bias and can one review without prejudice ?

What would an episode in the Red Room be without some vague abstract thoughts from Mitch on David Lynch?

Reflections: Twin Peaks-The Return observations, and impressions
Ruminations: Wandering thoughts, ideas, and conversations that enjoy the 
journey over the destinations
Reminiscence: Tales of friendship, adventures, and the drinks along the way
Resonance: Reviews and the like, over art of all kinds
Twitter: @FromTheRedRoom

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