In this episode of Rule the Galaxy, Joe is in the pilot's seat with special guests: Adam Bray, Scott Ryfun and Jimmy Mac

Scott is Oprah and we all get Holiday Droids from Galaxy's Edge

Is the High Republic David Pumpkins?

Everyone is interested in Acolyte!

We all trust what Filoni and Favreau are doing...

Jimmy Mac said he and Jason have done thousands of episodes of Rebel Force Radio...He loved his trip to Star Wars Celebration Japan...has too many favorite interviews to just pick one...

Will we see a de-aged Harrison Ford in future Star Wars media since we see him in Indiana Jones?

Adam Bray will be doing book signings in Michigan go check him out...Ultimate Star Wars is re-released thru Easton Books and it looks awesome.

Are the Jedi a negative in Star Wars story telling? Why do people want to see stories without them?

Kasdan believes future Solo stories would be good on Disney+

George Lucas says the way to watch Star Wars is Episode 1-6

We cannot wait to hear Scott Ryfun's bathroom audio on RFR.