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Guest's Bio

At your job, you provide goods and services to others to earn currency for you to use for the goods and services of others. But who said it had to be cash? What if you could earn currency constantly by giving gifts or providing services for others, in other words, doing nice things? And what if, once you did those nice things, others would start doing nice things for you?   

Enter Karma Credits Cryptocurrency, a grassroots community that earns currency by doing nice things for each other. A currency backed by the goodness of humanity. Changing that old saying from "No good deed goes unpunished" to be "No good deed goes unrewarded".  

As soon as you start doing kind things for others that have Karma Credits, you will earn Karma Credits from them. Once you have earned the Karma Credits, anyone can earn Karma Credits from you by doing nice things for you, either based off own Karma List of nice things that can be done for you, or kind things people come up with their own, perhaps asking how many Karma Credits they can earn by doing them.  

To begin to get rewarded for good karma, we’re having our community members send us their own Karma List of nice things that can be done for them to earn Karma Credits from them!  

Below are some examples of nice things that our users have listed as nice can be done to earn Karma Credits from them:  

Pick up groceries for someone in need: 1 Karma Credit per dollar spent 

Send a motivating message to help them work out: 2 Karma Credits 

Donate to a cancer charity: 1 Karma Credit per dollar donated  

Our website: 

Our Facebook group: Karma Credits Cryptocurrency Community (  

Our Twitter 

And/or our Instagram: 

The bottom is we’re helping to make humanity better by putting good karma into the world.  


Jack McDermott Founder, Karma Credits Cryptocurrency   

Contact: [email protected] 



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