This semester we’re going through a series entitled  “The Ten Commandments: Let Good Things Run Wild.”  The phrase comes from GK Chesterton, who explains that sometimes God says “no” to things, in order for us to say “yes” to something better. In the book of Exodus, after God rescues and frees his people from slavery in  Egypt, he then gives them the law. The gospel reminds us that grace precedes commandments. Freedom always comes before obedience. We follow God as a response to his initiating grace. God gives Israel these 10 commandments as a way for them to live in the world, that they might be a blessing to the world, that good things might run wild. So every week we ask ourselves, “How does this commandment invite us into a beautiful and flourishing life? How does it let good things run wild?”

This week we look at the 9th commandment: do not lie. This commandment reminds us that words are powerful: they can destroy or heal. So we discuss the power of words, the temptation to lie, and an invitation to tell the truth.

TEXT: Exodus 20:16; Colossians 3:9-10; Matthew 5:37