Lonnie Beauchamp and Ru El finally get together to discuss the question “What causes diabetes?”

Diabetes cause.
Chinese Buffet (Restaurant) Effect.
Nonessential nutrient of carbohydrates.
Resources. Links to doctor sites and links to books (affiliate links):

Dr. Ron RosedaleThe Rosedale Diet
Dr. Richard K. BernsteinDr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars
Dr. Jason Fung | The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss

Friends in the Jefferson City, MO and surrounding areas, check out Lonnie Beauchamp @ Restore-It Restoration and get Life Back To Normal. Tell him Ru sent you!

Visit www.vinnietortorich.com to learn about Vinnie Tortorich’s NSNG Lifestyle.
Visit www.annavocino.com for great healthy gluten-free recipes.
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While here be sure to check out the sponsor and affiliates:

Audible.com – Download a FREE audiobook today!
Pure Vitamin Club – Additives and fillers suck. So we don’t use them.
Amazon.com – Shop. Connect. Enjoy.
Blue Host – Looking for top-notch website hosting services with incredible support.
Squatty Potty – It’ll change your life.

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Music of:

Luzius Stone “Fire In The Sky” Website: www.LuziusStone.com

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