Ancestral Wisdom educator and songstress Tara Wild joins the podcast to discuss how The Grail Women are helping revive England's Native Mythology. She shares how reckoning with colonialism and feeling the trauma within the lineage brings us into relationship with England's Native Mythology & Mythic Women. Here we enter the Arthurian Legends, meeting The Well Maidens & Women of the Grail.

this complex and triggering topic. She helps us wonder how we can be a part of the solution to decolonizing land and lineage. And reconnect to our native English mythology & traditions.

We Also Talk About:

Why the womb as grail is such a powerful symbol Why asking the right question is so importantHow the Grail stories are a map back to the medicine within us Reviving our native English mythology & traditionsHow we can be a part of the solution to decolonizing land and lineage


Tara Wild: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube Tara's Women of the Wells Upcoming Workshop Jaclyn Norton: Website | Instagram | Pinterest