Former midwife, woman's mysteries teacher, and founder of School of Shamanic Womancraft Jane Hardwicke Collings joins the podcast to talk menstrual healing. We discuss how snake medicine is the healing for this reclamation of our menstrual cycles. Jane shares about her movement to decolonize the feminine body, and how we can learn to see our menstruation as spiritual.

We also talk about:

The rites of passage within a woman's lifetimeHow to heal internalized patriarchy The Pill—what it really does to our bodiesThe Lunar Phase Return & its connection to surprise pregnancy


Jane Harwicke Collings: Website | Instagram | School of Shamanic Womancraft Mentioned in Episode: Snake Medicine, Shedding Menstrual Shame Course, The Lunar Cycle: Astrological Fertility Control book by Francesca NaishRename & Reclaim Campaign | Video13 Moons: A Cycle Charting Journal and Handbook by Jane Hardwicke Collings Jaclyn Norton: Website | Instagram