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28:40 – Bushfires have engulfed Sydney for more than a week now, so it was a relief and joy to wander around back in Melbourne on a business trip with blue skies, even if only for a couple of days! Talking about the inevitable comparisons between Sydney and Melbourne, Stanley Kubrick-inspired data centres, health nonsense about Kombucha, tree-lined streets, and wishing for a Ricoh GR III pocket camera. Creative Commons music by Chris Jurgenson.

Recorded in Melbourne, Australia. Licence for this track: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Attribution: Ruben Schade.

Released December 2019 on The Overnightscape Underground, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts; this one notwithstanding.

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This post originally appeared on Rubenerd.