Podcast: Play in new window · Download

01:12:50 – It's another Rubenerd Squish, where I stick a few unrelated episodes into one! Part one discusses the most bizarre advertisement I've ever seen, in an audio journey through a 1970s era shopping centre that has barely changed. Part two discusses fabric couches, fun with spirometry, the Clipboard Mafia, and certain frustrating podcast ads. Part three discusses duopolistic allegiances, and fun with reverb-berb-reverb. Recorded Feburuary-March 2019.

Recorded in Sydney, Australia. Licence for this track: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Attribution: Ruben Schade.

Released March 2019 on The Overnightscape Underground, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts; this one notwithstanding.

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This post originally appeared on Rubenerd.