Welcome my fellow HPL'er to episode 72. I've got an awesome interview for you this week as I'm joined by supplement researcher and expert Kamal Patel from Examine.com. He is deep in the trenches with understanding the latest supplement research, so he's here to show us the truth about supplements. We'll be diving into what supplements actually work, along with what supplements to consider for various goals such as health, performance, fat loss and muscle building. Great show!

Find out more about the HPL coaching programme - http://exceednutrition.com/hpl-group-coaching-programme/

Get your copy of the HPL book - http://highperformanceliving.co.uk

Find out more about the FitPro nutrition and business course - http://exceednutrition.com/the-exceed-certification/

Find out more about Examine - http://examine.com/welcome