How does rail manage in a world where every resource comes at a premium? How does it improve and drive changes in the way it does things?

These are questions posed in the first Leaders Debate at this year’s Trans City Rail South event; In an era of scarce resources, where does the rail industry focus efforts to modernise and drive productivity? – Brought to you by Arup.

Guests for the panel discussion included;

·         Chris Myers, Associate Director Digital Services, Arup

·         Phil Harrison, Director, Arup

·         Rubina Greenwood, Senior Programme Manager, Future Command, Control & Signalling, Network Rail

·         Martin Fenner, Business Development Director, Tilt Consulting

The panel discussed how the industry is moving at a fast pace, changing how data is collected and evolving ways of working to suit the new technologies that rail is presented with.

This episode, with four of the industry leaders within the sector, explores through a lively panel discussion how exactly they tackle these changes and how to prioritise future ambitions.

This is the first of the TCR South 2023 Leaders debate series, which was held at the end of September, in London.