Holland Cooke welcomes activist, author and professor Jeb Sprague to talk about the political turmoil enveloping Bolivia, where a military coup has replaced the democratically elected Evo Morales with interim president Jeanine Chavez, to the dismay of thousands of citizens who have put themselves in harm’s way protesting in city streets. Sprague likens this military-based activism to the Chilean coup, referring to soldiers now sweeping Bolivia as “mini Pinochets” who have been trained in violent tactics at the infamous School of the Americas.

Then, RT correspondent Michele Greenstein breaks down what’s been going on – and is STILL going on – amid the Hong Kong protests. With university students being corralled into fortified campuses in vicious standoffs with police, mainland China amassing troops along the city boundary, PLUS the US inching closer to passing the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, are we truly witnessing the end of Hong Kong as we know it?

Following yet another series of mass shootings that took the lives of teenagers, 23-year veteran of DC metro police Ronald Hampton weighs in on exactly what is the legislative holdup preventing universal background checks from being enforced nationwide. Hampton shares his experience as a former police officer, giving HIS take on the NRA’s support of arming “good guys with guns.”

Then, attorney, author and university professor Steve Weisman returns to the show offering tips on how to avoid online scams that plague holiday shoppers each year. With Disney+ accounts ALREADY being hacked just a week after the streaming platform’s release, and an incoming flurry of phony holiday offers, how can we best protect ourselves from the digital GRINCH?