We speak to Dan Diker, the former secretary general of the World Jewish Congress. He discusses Israel’s annexation of areas of Palestine’s West Bank, his opinion on the UN calling Israel’s settlements illegal, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and why he believes it’s fundamentally anti-Semitic, the Syrian civil war in which President Assad has alleged Israeli backing of terrorist groups, the origins of Hamas which he flatly denies Israel had anything to do with, why he believes the annexation plan would actually set up a two-state solution, and more! Finally, we speak to best-selling author Alex Berenson, author of ‘Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns’. He discusses why European countries such as the UK and Italy had such high death rates with elderly populations, while Japan with its aged population has seen so few deaths, how coronavirus is drastically more dangerous to older people, statistics showing children are not spreading the virus, how the negative impacts of the lockdowns have been overlooked, the media’s fearmongering and spreading of fake news about the virus, and more!