Are economic divides to blame for everything else that’s broken in our politics? Does 'economic anxiety' explain the Trump and Brexit votes? And what deeper cultural undercurrents are at play in unequal societies?

Ian and Matthew speak to Faiza Shaheen, director of the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) about inequalities in the UK and the US. And Matthew interviews the Emmy-winning director and photographer Lauren Greenfield, whose new documentary 'Generation Wealth' (out in the UK on 20th July) looks back at her career, and tells the story of how the American Dream came to be corrupted.


Full Disclosure:

The Atlantic: People Voted for Trump Because They Were Anxious, Not Poor
Understanding the Social and Cultural Bases of Brexit
New York Times: Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds
RSA report: Addressing economic insecurity

Faiza Shaheen interview:

Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS)
Gini coefficient
CLASS factsheet: How unequal is the UK?
CLASS report: 'Minority Report: Race and Class in post-Brexit Britain', edited by Omar Khan and Faiza Shaheen
Podcast: CLASS on Class miniseries hosted by Faiza Shaheen

Lauren Greenfield interview:

Generation Wealth trailer
Wikipedia: Lauren Greenfield
RSA Event: How inequality gets inside our heads, with Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, authors of 'The Spirit Level' and 'The Inner Level'

The Provocation:

Centre for Social Investigation: People’s Stated Reasons for Voting Leave or Remain
A Tale of Two Houses: The House of Commons, the Big Brother House and the People at Home


Faiza Shaheen on Twitter
Lauren Greenfield on Twitter
Ian Leslie on Twitter
Matthew Taylor on Twitter

Produced by James Shield, with production help from Jade Vowles.

Brought to you by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce).

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