Having passed into the Hollow Earth through an Atlantean gate on Isla del Boca del Diablo, our bold adventurers execute their plan to escape from the Nazi-controlled “Mirror Island.” But can their newly created secret weapon turn the tables on their Nazi captors? Your guess is as good as mine!

Having passed into the Hollow Earth through an Atlantean gate on Isla del Boca del Diablo, our bold adventurers execute their plan to escape from the Nazi-controlled “Mirror Island.” But can their newly created secret weapon turn the tables on their Nazi captors? Your guess is as good as mine! Stay tuned!


Vincent Kovar as the Vicount Von Weimar und Widmeer
Daniel G. as Professor Gregory Mayweather
Rhias Hall as Professor Samantha Doyle-Johnson
Russell Williams as Dr. Paul Habicht
Sean Mayovsky as Kenton Knight
Kevin Lamont as Klondike “Deadeye” Bob
And Adam Scott Glancy as the GM!