If you are looking for in-depth, hard hitting analysis, you've come to the right place. Last year, I went to Tinder to get their thoughts on the Tennessee Titans. The results were excellent. So, I decided to head back to the treasure trove known as Tinder to talk about the Titans 2018-2019 season. 

You might have some questions. Like, "Matt, don't you have a girlfriend?" or "What did your profile look like?" Well, I do have a girlfriend (not to brag). She approved my request to go undercover as a single man and ask the tough questions. As for my profile, I used one photo:

I know, right? Cute as hell. Thanks for the shirt, HangTN.

Anyway, I rolled up my sleeves and got to swiping. I ended up with a solid amount of matches, surprisingly. The Tinder ladies I met were excited to talk some Titans football. The screenshots from my conversations with them are below. Side note: There's no doubt in my mind that most of these random women know more about the Titans than Jared Stillman does. 


Shoutout to 3HL for the shoutout. Audio is below.

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