


It looks like we've got ourselves an investigation. Earlier this morning, a tweet surfaced from FreeMariota8 pointing out that @Reed8961 might very well be a Paul Kuharsky burner account.

I think this is PK’s burner account. 3 followers and 1 happens to be PK. His TL is filled with him tweeting at PK or defending him. This is funny but even more hysterical if true 😂 pic.twitter.com/oJTSUIoiCZ

— OFFSZN (@FreeMariota8) June 14, 2018

At first, I didn't want to believe it. I wondered why a man with such a large following would do such a thing. Then I remembered Kevin Durant. If he is capable of running burner accounts, anyone is. So, I decided to investigate Mr. Reed8961 and find out if there was any more evidence that would support these accusations. 

The first piece of evidence is that Reed8961 only has 8 (now 13) followers. One of those followers is Paul Kuharsky. I understand that he follows members of his site. However, I am a member of PaulKuharsky.com and he has not followed me. So that theory is now invalid. The rest of the evidence lies in the tweets themselves. Pretty much every tweet sent is giving PK praise or sticking up for him. Even the way his sentences are structured looks similar to Paul Kuharsky's. Is Reed8961 just a fan, or is Paul Kuharsky the man behind the mask. You decide.

@PickersVodka I had seen Pickers on the shelf before your partnership with @PaulKuharskyNFL, but I had never tried it. It's outrageously good stuff, and I'm happy that the two of you enticed me into something new. Thanks :)

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) January 11, 2018

Why do we pay for his site? Because Paul Kuharsky possesses the intellect and education needed to ask interesting questions, plus the experience and contacts required to answer them.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) January 9, 2018

A man has to feed his family, "Bub", and this is how Kuharsky has chosen to feed his. What he does isn't illegal, immoral or expensive to purchase. Moreover, the man absolutely busts his ass for both us, and his sponsors. Surely you can find something else to whine about...

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) January 7, 2018

Nope. His main job was always the radio gig. His ESPN job was a part time thing that was subject to mass layoffs in the hunt for cheaper labor. His work on his own site is focused toward a smaller audience than both ESPN and the radio job caters to.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) April 15, 2018

How do you figure he's washed up? Didn't the @Midday180 just expand by an hour? And he received a new contract to help headline the show, yes? https://t.co/kgmUsCg0gT seems to be doing well. He might be a bit surly, but we should all be so "washed up."

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) April 15, 2018

In fact, I watched Kuharsky get dinged up for having too positive of an outlook, while the Titans were winning last year. Yeah, he gets on fans now and then, but you know how I avoid one of his groin kicks? I don't ask stupid questions.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) April 6, 2018

Calm down, boy. Kuharsky wasn't let go--his contract wasn't renewed, in favor of cheaper labor. Bishop is a contemptible assclown, who embarrassed nobody but himself and his radio station. And must a cardiologist suffer a heart attack in order to diagnose it in another?

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) March 22, 2018

Kuharsky brings the sensibilities of a hard news reporter to sports journalism. He's well-educated, experienced, and damned bright. I don't care what I could get for free--I get my Titans analysis from Paul Kuharsky.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) March 17, 2018

I normally don't either, John, but Paul brings a "hard news" reporter's sensibilities and methodology to a field that's better known for its hype, journalistic sloppiness and devotion to outright horseshit. Given the alternatives, you're damned right I'm going to pay Kuharsky.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) February 17, 2018

Kuharsky's revenue model is subscription based, thus there's no benefit to be had here in the creation of "clickbait." The article doesn't seek to lure one in by offering insider information. Rather, it seeks to cool overheated rumor mongering relating to the uniform change.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) February 15, 2018

John, if you were a member, you'd know the answer to that question. We had a great members-only periscope last night, and Paul hit that subject. Six bucks is a damned easy price to pay :)

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) January 16, 2018

He also worked all night and hasn't slept yet in the attempt to super-serve the members of https://t.co/DmMNN5MTdh. If you're a member, thank him. If not...

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) January 14, 2018

It's been that way since August, JBro. The good news is that what Kuharsky dishes is well worth the $5.99 a month he's asking.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) January 13, 2018

This very well might be the best piece you've posted since taking control of your own brand.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) December 20, 2017

Don't know what the rest of you are spending $5.99 on this month, but if it's not this, you're doing it wrong...

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) December 14, 2017

You're a member, then, of https://t.co/CELFRY0r4X ?

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) December 12, 2017

Kuharsky offers us balance, not knee-jerk, slobbering fanaticism. He may well wind up on your side of the argument, but it won't come before there's enough evidence to move.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) December 11, 2017

The audience the man seeks to serve is admittedly small...confined to that portion of the Titans fanbase with an IQ over 60. The rest of you can listen to Clay Travis stroke himself for the masses, or watch Jason Wolfe stumble in the dark.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) December 7, 2017

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: Paul Kuharsky possess the education and intellect needed to ask interesting questions, and the experience and connections required to obtain answers to them. The 25% offer is a no-brainer.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) November 27, 2017

I just paid a hair short of $66 for a year, that the rest of you can get for $53.91. What's that...a buck a week? You want to let a dollar stand between you and professional, LOCAL analysis? Please, I already feel smarter than half of you. Don't make things worse. Subscribe.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) November 24, 2017

At $5.99/month, it's damned near free as it stands.

— Tony Reed (@reed8961) November 10, 2017

That...is a lot to digest. This is either the biggest fan of anyone on the planet, or PK has been using this to pump his site, criticize Jason Wolf, and praise himself. It's only $5.99 a month, btw. On Monday, Paul and the hosts of the Midday180 will hold a trial to find a verdict on this situation. I present this evidence to the courts. 

You might be wondering if I have a burner account. Well, the truth is, I do. My real name is Bryce. You can follow my burner account here. 

How you gonna be mad on vacation ? pic.twitter.com/Skgp1VSKqe

— Bryce🇩🇪 (@Bwl931_) June 11, 2018

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