The adventurers walk into a tavern, Tenebris makes a new friend, Uriel makes a shocking confession, and Infinity is the only one to stay sober. Before all that, Emily talks about how DnD goodberries could work with real science!

Dungeons & Dragons & Science is a DnD actual-play show. Watch as four professional science communicators mix real science with role-play sci-fi adventures!

The RPGeeks go live every Wednesday at 7pm UK time. Tune in for adventuring and our DnDebrief show where we explore some of the real science that inspired the story.

Wednesday 7pm UK:

You can watch previous episodes on our YouTube channel or listen to the show in podcast format.

Don't forget to also follow us on Twitter, TikTok and Instagram for bonus bite-sized chunks of science every week! @RPGeeksDnD