Welcome back to Athril: Academy of the Arcane! Here students are taught the very best of what magic has to offer! Every student is a high-achiever ready to take on the magical world... that is except the students who fail a subject... those students who are remanded to stay over the summer vacation...

Go to RealmsPod.com to discover even more stories you haven't heard!                                                                    

This is a preview of our new Patreon exclusive series! If you want to hear the next episode then check the link below and subscribe at the $8 Producer Tier!

GM: Zachary Fortais-Gomm
Taffabelle Tippi: Elizabeth Campbell
Emily Potts: Maddy Searle
Professor Sapir: Nathan Blades
Bagatha: Naomi Clarke
System: 13th Age
Music: James Barbarossa
Voice Edit: Kathryn Stanley

Content Warnings:

Teacher / Student Conflict

Academic Stress

Parent / Child Conflict

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Welcome back to Athril: Academy of the Arcane! Here students are taught the very best of what magic has to offer! Every student is a high-achiever ready to take on the magical world... that is except the students who fail a subject... those students who are remanded to stay over the summer vacation...

Go to RealmsPod.com to discover even more stories you haven't heard!                                                                    


This is a preview of our new Patreon exclusive series! If you want to hear the next episode then check the link below and subscribe at the $8 Producer Tier!

GM: Zachary Fortais-Gomm

Taffabelle Tippi: Elizabeth Campbell

Emily Potts: Maddy Searle

Professor Sapir: Nathan Blades

Bagatha: Naomi Clarke

System: 13th Age

Music: James Barbarossa

Voice Edit: Kathryn Stanley

Content Warnings:

Teacher / Student Conflict
Academic Stress
Parent / Child Conflict

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices