Welcome to Season 2 of your soda-filled source for game development opinions that mean very little in the grand scheme of things - RPG Maker Cola!

=== Guests ===

- Kasey Ozymy: https://twitter.com/KaseyOzymy ("Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass")
- Sgt M: https://twitter.com/SgtM_Yuusha ("Soma Spirits: Rebalance")
- Visitors From Dreams: https://twitter.com/VisitorsDreams ("Shooty and the Catfish: Fully Reloaded")
- zDS: https://twitter.com/zDS66 ("Three Ghostly Roses")

We talk about playing other RPG Maker games for research, ideas we had for games, "Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass" and its wild success, balancing numbers, and dive deep into each of our guests' projects. This is a long podcast. Hope you enjoy.

"Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass" by Kasey Ozymy: https://store.steampowered.com/app/706560/Jimmy_and_the_Pulsating_Mass/

"Soma Spirits: Rebalance" by Sgt M: https://store.steampowered.com/app/587310/Soma_Spirits_Rebalance/

"Brave Hero Yuusha EX" by Sgt M: https://store.steampowered.com/app/969690/Brave_Hero_Yuusha_EX/

"Soma Union" by Sgt M: https://torch60.itch.io/soma-union

"Shooty and the Catfish: Fully Reloaded" by Visitors From Dreams: https://visitorsfromdreams.itch.io/shooty-and-the-catfish-fully-reloaded

"Cope Island: Adrift" by zDS: https://store.steampowered.com/app/969530/Cope_Island_Adrift/

"Three Ghostly Roses" by zDS: https://rpgmaker.net/games/8610/

=== RPG Maker Cola Links ===

= Linktree: https://linktr.ee/rpg_maker_cola

= Twitter: http://tiny.cc/rmc-tweety

= Discord: https://discord.gg/7aT3jDfMrS

= Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rpgmakercola

=== Timestamps ===
0:00 AD SPOT - "Rainbow Dawn"
0:52 INTRO
9:43 BUZZ CORNER - "Blood & Grime" by Goblin Grotto
13:20 BUZZ CORNER - KASEY OZYMY - "Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening" by unity
18:35 BUZZ CORNER - SGT M - "Prayer of the Faithless" by Nova
23:03 BUZZ CORNER - VISITORS - "Labyrinth: Derelict Abyss" by ???
25:30 BUZZ CORNER - ZDS - "Dog Adventure"
29:30 GAMES - BENNY - "Celeste"
31:34 GAMES - KASEY - "Tabletop Simulator" ("Gloomhaven")
45:20 GAMES - VISITORS - "Yooka-Laylee"
51:33 GAMES - ZDS - "Hades"
56:00 thatbennyguy from Twitter: "How did you discover RPG Maker and game development? What's your story?"
61:22 dari from Twitter: "Do you guys play other RPG Maker games for research?"
67:15 unity asks: "Do you have ideas for games that won't work because of realistic constraints?"
72:19 Hind asks: "To Sgt M: Your character designs have become a signature of your games. What are your inspirations when coming up with your character designs and what particular designs are your favourite?"
79:57 Thanks to Punkitt, DungeonDevDude, and Meebob for asking questions.
80:27 Sheryl asks: "When balancing an RPG, what do you think is the sweet spot for stats? Do you prefer games that have you end around certain levels, HPs, etc?
84:36 Saturn (Human Breening) asks: "Do you prefer light-hearted or more cynical games? Does it reflect in your work?"
92:23 Saturn (Human Breening) asks: A train question.
93:15 lordbluerouge asks: "Visitors From Dream - what projects do you have planned after Shooty and the Catfish?"
98:54 THE DEEP DIVE - "Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass" by Kasey Ozymy
106:35 THE DEEP DIVE - "Soma Union" by Sgt M
113:15 THE DEEP DIVE - "Shooty and the Catfish" by Visitors from Dreams
121:37 THE DEEP DIVE - "Cope Island: Adrift" by zDS

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