We certainly promised you guys a big end of the year episode, and by God did we ever deliver. The crew starts by sitting down for an in-depth discussion of 2011. From Dragon Age 2 to Skyrim, the podcast gang analyzes the major releases and trends in the genre (and industry) we all love. In the second segment, Rob, John, Kyle and Dave talk about Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, one of the first big RPGs of 2012. Finally, the podcasters take a look into the RPGFan Crystal Ball (TM) and come up with some predictions for the new year. Will we finally get Persona 5? What about Mass Effect 3? Is Diablo 3 destined to be the best game of 2014?! Only time will tell.... Note: Due to the length of our End of the Year Spectacular, we've decided to offer it in two versions. This is Part 1 of 2, covering the games of 2011 and a preview of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. For our look ahead at 2012 make sure to download Part 2 of the show, or if you'd prefer to listen to all three segments in one episode, download the full version! Featuring: Robert Steinman, John McCarroll, Stephen Meyerink, Zachary Pintchik, Dave Yeager and Kyle Miller Questions? Comments? Spare Potions? Email us: [email protected]