Full details and Pilgrim Information / Registration Form are below. Please email Roy at [email protected] with any questions or for further information. Pilgrimage with Roy Schoeman to the Holy Land May 2023 Departs New York City Wednesday May 17 returns Saturday May 27 (9 nights) The per person cost of $3950* (price reflects cash,check, or …

Full details and Pilgrim Information / Registration Form are below. Please email Roy at [email protected] with any questions or for further information.

Pilgrimage with Roy Schoeman to the Holy Land May 2023

Legal Details and Registration Form for May 2023 trip DFR-10-26-22_compressedDownload

Departs New York City Wednesday May 17 returns
Saturday May 27 (9 nights)

The per person cost of $3950* (price reflects cash,check,
or funds transfer discount)  includes:

Round-trip air travel from New York City (Newark airport) to
Israel, Lodging (double occupancy), Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner each day, private
Motor Coach, all entrance fees, bus, guides, etc.  Single Occupancy $800* additional if
available, land-only price $900 less.

(If comparing pilgrimages, please consider what is included
– lunch, most tips, etc.; that this one is 9 nights, not 7 or 8; and there is
no added on “fuel surcharge” or “taxes”, which can be as much as $700.)   

This pilgrimage is oriented around prayer and the “Jewish
roots” of the Catholic Faith. It is organized and led by well-known Jewish
convert, author, and speaker Roy Schoeman. We will be accompanied by a chaplain
who will offer daily Mass, celebrated in the Tridentine Rite (“Latin
Mass”) when possible.

To maintain the prayerful atmosphere, we will stay entirely
in pilgrimage houses run by religious orders (all rooms with private bath):

and 2nd nights: Rosary Sisters Guesthouse, Nazareth (walking
distance to the Basilica of the Annunciation)

3rd and
4th nights: Benedictine Pilgerhaus on the shore of the Sea of
Galilee (at site of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes)

5th, 6th,
and 7th nights: Casa Nova – Franciscans — in the Old City of Jerusalem,
short walk from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

8th and
9th nights: Casa Nova – Franciscans —   in Ein
Karem (home of John the Baptist)  

Group will be limited to about 24 pilgrims, ensuring a more
prayerful and recollected atmosphere. (Other groups can range from 50 to a few

There will be time for serious prayer at all site, and
special opportunities for additional prayer in some of the very holiest places
(e.g. the Holy Sepulcher, the Cave of the Annunciation)

In addition to all of the usual pilgrimage sites, we will
be visit some rarely included with other pilgrimages, such as:

Jewish sites, such as  Safed, the ancient and current center of
Jewish mysticism, Meron, where hundreds of thousands of Jews come yearly to
pray at the tomb of the most renowned Jewish mystical “saint”, the Temple
Mount, the Wailing Wall, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum Lesser visited New Testament sites such as the
Mount of Temptation where Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days, Kursi where
Jesus drove the demons out of the demoniac, Corazin  where Jesus said “Woe unto you,
Corazin”,Caesaria Philippi where Jesus told Peter “You are Peter, and
on  this rock I will build my
church”, the site where St. Stephen the 1st martyr was stoned, etc.,
Shechem where Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, etc. (Some of these
sites may be inaccessible due to security concerns)

*Prices in this brochure reflect a cash discount for payment by check, cash, bank transfer, etc. Payment by credit card approximately 3% higher.

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