Mayor Rob Burton of Oakville, Ontario caused a national response on Twitter and other social media with his tweets (on City of Oakville Twitter account) criticizing the Conservative Party for hiring retired CAF veterans to provide additional security at party events during the election campaign. Burton raised the heat when he tweeted: "any political parties had private police using veterans before?" and added Wikipedia links to information on Adolf Hitler's Sturmabteilung Brown Shirts Nazi paramilitary security units and their Italian equivalency for dictator Benito Mussolini.Burton apologized to military veterans he may have offended, but does he owe an apology to the CPC and Stephen Harper? Does yesterday's call for Burton to resign still resonate across Canada?The Oakville Twitter issue may underscore the truth of Roy's position last Saturday: We need federal election campaigns in 2015, as much as we still need a phone booth on each street corner. This campaign is costing taxpayers many millions of dollars, is descending into a stream of angry side-campaigns like emailing Canadians asking for a $1 donation to fund their "We have dirt on Harper" campaign. (sumofus is the same organization which intimidated Tim Hortons into dropping their in-store television ads for Enbridge pipeline company a few weeks ago).Do you think long election campaigns are outdated?
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Mayor Rob Burton of Oakville, Ontario caused a national response on Twitter and other social media with his tweets (on City of Oakville Twitter account) criticizing the Conservative Party for hiring retired CAF veterans to provide additional security at party events during the election campaign. Burton raised the heat when he tweeted: "any political parties had private police using veterans before?" and added Wikipedia links to information on Adolf Hitler's Sturmabteilung Brown Shirts Nazi paramilitary security units and their Italian equivalency for dictator Benito Mussolini.

Burton apologized to military veterans he may have offended, but does he owe an apology to the CPC and Stephen Harper? Does yesterday's call for Burton to resign still resonate across Canada?
The Oakville Twitter issue may underscore the truth of Roy's position last Saturday: We need federal election campaigns in 2015, as much as we still need a phone booth on each street corner. This campaign is costing taxpayers many millions of dollars, is descending into a stream of angry side-campaigns like emailing Canadians asking for a $1 donation to fund their "We have dirt on Harper" campaign. (sumofus is the same organization which intimidated Tim Hortons into dropping their in-store television ads for Enbridge pipeline company a few weeks ago).
Do you think long election campaigns are outdated?

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