One of the possible outcomes of Monday's vote is a minority government led by Prime Minister Harper. Both Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair have said they will not co-operate with a Harper-led Conservative minority government.What are the options for the other parties to combine their forces to form a government (Mulcair and Trudeau have been bad-mouthing each other throughout the campaign). Can the Conservatives hold off any Liberal/NDP/BQ coalition attempt? Can the Liberals and New Democrats afford to hook up with the BQ, as they attempted in 2008?Would the NDP, Liberals (and BQ) have the moral right to try to form a government if Canadians had kicked them to curb and Stephen Harper's Conservatives wound up with more seats than any other party, and more seats than two of the other parties perhaps?Henry Jacek a political science professor at McMaster University in Hamilton joins us to discuss.
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One of the possible outcomes of Monday's vote is a minority government led by Prime Minister Harper. Both Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair have said they will not co-operate with a Harper-led Conservative minority government.
What are the options for the other parties to combine their forces to form a government (Mulcair and Trudeau have been bad-mouthing each other throughout the campaign). Can the Conservatives hold off any Liberal/NDP/BQ coalition attempt? Can the Liberals and New Democrats afford to hook up with the BQ, as they attempted in 2008?

Would the NDP, Liberals (and BQ) have the moral right to try to form a government if Canadians had kicked them to curb and Stephen Harper's Conservatives wound up with more seats than any other party, and more seats than two of the other parties perhaps?
Henry Jacek a political science professor at McMaster University in Hamilton joins us to discuss.

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